All Things New

2022 Pledge Form


As an act of my/our desire to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ, I/We will pray regularly for the members & ministries of my church family:


As a way to grow as disciple of Jesus Christ, I/We would like to participate in or learn more about the following spiritual enrichment or service opportunities:


In gratitude to Christ and as an opportunity to grow in my/our relationship with Christ, I/We want to support our church family in its ministries by contributing a portion of my/our financial resources to the work of Christ during 2022:

I/We seek to glorify Christ through building improvements which make our facility more accessible and available to people of all ages:

Why Per Capita? (from PCUSA)

Per Capita is “the tie that binds” — annual giving that unites the entire church in the ongoing and essential work that guides the Office of the General Assembly, the life of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and benefits every congregation and every mid council ministry. Per capita is the primary source of funding for the Office of the General Assembly, and is how Presbyterians mutually and equitably share the costs of coming together to discern the Spirit’s leading for the future.

It is how Presbyterians are trained to become better ruling elders, deacons, and ministers of word and sacrament/teaching elders.

It is how Presbyterians come together to discern God’s call in their lives.

It is how Presbyterians participate in the life of the wider church by serving on General Assembly committees and commissions, regardless of distance or financial resources.

It is how Presbyterians participate in the life of the Church universal as we commit ourselves to work and live in fellowship with “all persons in every nation” (Book of Order, G-4.0101).

For more information about Per Capita and how it is accessed and allocated, please go to: or speak with Pastor David Harvey or a member of the Stewardship & Finance ministry.

Per Capita for 2022 is $40.
Our church pays this for all members.

I/We understand that the amount of my/our commitment may increase/decrease because of changing financial status or circumstances.